Stronach, Stranack & variants - Genealogy
This website will close down September 2026
STRONACH: Roll of Honour. Those who paid the ultimate price defending freedom WW1 and WW2 (click on the poppy to open) | ||||
STRONACH: Master index of, births, marriages, deaths references worldwide in given name alphabetical order. | ||||
The following seven categories are incorporated in the Master Index. Click on the United Nations flag above to open it. | ||||
STRONACH: Births, marriages, deaths all Scotland. Pages 1 - 78. | ||||
STRONACH: Births, marriages, deaths England, Wales, Ireland. Pages 79 - 113. | |||
STRONACH: Births, marriages, deaths all Australia. Pages 114-124. | ||||
STRONACH: Births, marriages, deaths New Zealand. Pages 125 - 129. | ||||
STRONACH: Births, marriages, deaths South Africa. Pages 130 - 131. | ||||
STRONACH: Births, marriages, deaths Canada and USA. Pages 132 - 168. | ||||
STRONACH: BMDs Misc countries & war deaths, Pages 169 - 170 | ||||
Use Ctrl & F keys together to open search dialog utility in any open file to perform searches. | ||||
Click on the any flag below to open sundry database files. | ||||
STRONACH: Incomplete electoral rolls to 1980, then 1994-1999 All Australian states. | ||||
STRONACH: Census listings England & Wales 1841 - 1921 & the 1939 Register. In family group order. | ||||
STRONACH: Census listings England & Wales 1841 - 1921 & the 1939 Register. In given name alphabetical order. | ||||
STRONACH: Census listings Scotland 1841 - 1921 (see notes below. especially those for 1911 & 1921 entries) | ||||
STRONACH: Census listings Scotland 1841 - 1901 (as above but in given name/birth year order) | ||||
STRONACH: Census listings Canada 1851 - 1931 (Entries in italics are extrapolated from earlier or later data) | ||||
STRONACH: Electoral rolls 1935 - 1974 | ||||
STRONACH: Census listings USA 1850 - 1950 | ||||
STRONACH: 3 Spades Deep site for STRONACH families in Nova Scotia | ||||
STRONACH: Passenger lists worldwide destinations, followed by CAN/US border crossings | ||||
STRANACK: Births, marriages and deaths. Worldwide | ||||
STRANACK: Census listings England 1841 - 1911 & the 1939 Register | ||||
A few STRONACH certificates
Here includes ones for Roy deVere Knight
STRONACH. Timeline chart Here Roy deVere Knight STRONACH born to Lucy STRONACH 1885 changed his name to George, later to George Edward, at death George again. |
County/state codes: Used in databases. | Click letter icon to contact webmaster | ||||||||
Click flag to open link | UK | Ireland | Canada | USA | Australia | Webmaster |
General: These lists were compiled over a number of years by the now late David Stronach of West Australia, Keith Flinders of New Zealand, and with the assistance of many others. Included are variants such as Stranack and Stranach, be they related or not. Over the years records made have included one spelling or several spellings for the same individual. If anyone is interested in collaborating in the research to fill in the many missing names for parents and spouses then their work will be of benefit to all Stronach researchers. Please email corrections and additions to the address above (click on the letter icon to open the email dialogue box). Corrections and additions are always welcome. | |
Births, marriages, deaths: The BDM list has a column named "Other" and this suggests the year of another event for the person recorded. We use the word suggests as we have not researched all the families in detail. Where you see a female listed, mainly census and death references, with a surname in brackets, e.g. Elizabeth (WHITE), this means that Elizabeth had the surname shown before she married a Stronach. Family Code eg, AL/CF, allows one to find siblings. You may need to have Adobe Acrobat reader on your on your PC to use search facility, but using the Ctrl and F keys together should open the search dialogue option. Also you can enlarge the displayed text. Full dates are not shown here for security reasons, so contact the webmaster for them. |
Census: Census information for Scotland relies heavily on transcriptions done by others, is far from complete, and as the cost of viewing the original enumerators sheets is beyond our resources may never be added to. 1911 census data here for Scotland is based on the simple index, added to this is information from earlier years and civil BMD entries. Birth places and occupations for 1911 Scotland may differ from actual, but if a full residential address is shown then information is as per that census. With the data for Scotland, in particular, Ann/Anne/Annie, or Elizabeth/Lizzie/Betty, or Helen/Ellen, or Isabel/Isabella/Isobel/Isobella, or Jane/Jean/Janet/Jessie, or Margret/Margaret/Maggie could be the same person recorded at different times. Abbreviated given names from original sources have been extended to complete ones. 1841 census data for Scotland, and England, have been modified from that transcribed to include birth places and relationships where shown for same people in later census years. 1911 census data for Scotland is primarily based on the Scotlands People index data with a few confirmed addresses and occupations added where the original documents have been sighted. Other addresses and occupations in blue italics are from the 1901 census. Cost of purchasing some 300 or so census images is too expensive for our budget. 1921 census data for Scotland is primarily based on the Scotlands People index data to which have been added birth places from the Stronach database, and full names added where the 1921 index was missing them. Cost of purchasing some 300 or so census images is too expensive for our budget. Entries for 1939 are from the 1939 Register, England and Wales only, compiled in September 1939 and used for food rationing and other purposes. It was used after WW2 for the new National Health Service and was used until the 1990s. Entries may be redacted on the online index for 100 years after their birth if they were not recorded as dying prior. Those born after Sept 1939 are not included in the 1939 Register, obviously. If the 1939 Register for Scotland is available this writer is not aware of it being so. Census references for England and Wales have been added to the census index for the years 1841 - 1921. Find My Past references are used for 1911 and 1921, earlier years use references using Piece No./Folio No./Page No. Some 1841 entries use the Book No. instead of the Folio No. if the latter is unknown. We have on file some census page images that can be sent free of charge to those enquiring. The 1921 census of England and Wales was released online by Find My Past 6 Jan 2022, with transcriptions costing £2.50, and images £3.50. The 1931 for England and Wakes census was lost in a fire during WW2, but not due to enemy action as claimed by some. The 1921 census for Scotland was released online by Scotlands People in December 2022, see above notes. The 1931 census for Scotland is extant and expected to be released in 2032. Census indexes are arranged in family groups, and also individuals by given name/birth year order. Each person in the Scotland census indexes have a PIN number. Searching using the PIN will find same person each census. |
Latest update is 9 July 2023:
1931 Canadian census added 1950 US census added 1921 census data England and Wales updated to include addresses, occupations and birth places. References added to all census entries where found. 1921 census Scotland index added. Worldwide burial locations added as per There are many additional notes at that website.
Keith Flinders. Wellington, New Zealand |
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